Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Guest blogging and more prizes!

I'm at Yankee Romance Reviewers today talking about goals, hopes, and wishes for 2009. Stop by if you have a chance!

WINNERS: My darling daughter picked random numbers, so JILL and ANONYMOUS who says her real name is Alyssa Day (hey! what fun!) are the winners. Please email me at authoralyssaday!aol.com with your mailing info for the book!

1 comment:

Tinuke said...

Dear Alyssa I missed the blog thing but I went and had a look at the comments. I so agree about the mom thing. I have recently started playing hockey again and it is great. I love being in a team and wouldn't you know some childcare problems I was having got resolved by my teammates, they just rallied round and sorted it out. Love them to bits. It is esp difficult, as you know, when hubby is away a lot which mine is, and I am living in a foreign country with language communication difficulties at times and I have very definitely been guilty of the Mum comes bottom of the heap. So a big thankyou to you for reminding us Mums and everyone else that TLC for mums means more for everyone else. Cheers Tinuke