Sunday, April 13, 2008

T-5 . . . continued

Received a lovely note from a reviewer today. She said that she read on my blog that I was going through a rough patch with
revisions, and then she wrote:

"I finished reading the Anthology Shifter yesterday and thought I would
share my review ( I'm a reviewer for a Dutch website on English
(romance) books) of Shifter's Lady with you, just to let you know what
an amazing writer you are and how much we love what you do. We hope
you'll hang in there also on these bad days."

What a thoughtful thing to do - I have to tell you that notes like this and the posts you all make on my blog, and all the emails are so encouraging when life is getting in the way of the writing. I'm back at it today, after yesterday's sinus migraine and "Family Fun" aka "Stand around in the heat and spend $40 on raffle tickets to win nothing but at least we're raising money for the school" Day.

Life is good. I'm very lucky. Hope you're all having great weekends!

1 comment:

Pearl said...

Hi Alyssa!

As promised the link for the website:

There is a reviewpage with reviews by me (my reviewname is Pearl) and other reviewers. The owners of the website are friends of mine who started the website in honor of the many wonderful english (romance) books we discovered here in the Netherlands when translations weren't able to keep up with the English releases.

I also post the reviews on my own blog:
