Saturday, May 08, 2010

A Moment of Mommy Nostalgia

This is my baby at 4 weeks old. The most beautiful baby boy in the world will become a teenager tomorrow, on Mother's Day. I brought him home from the hospital on Mother's Day in 1997. It's making me quite teary. Hugs to all of the moms out there, especially mine, who gave me the "I hope you have a child just like you" blessing (curse? LOL) when I was little.

And I did. Two of them. The most wonderful, amazing, life-changing, challenging, blessings in the world. One of whom is now going to be a teenager. (help!)

Hugs and happy Mother's Day to everyone!!


Unknown said...

How cute!!!!!
I know what ya mean Alyssa, my son is graduating in 2 weeks! Seems like yesterday he was my lil man. :( Time flies wayyyyy too fast!
And, tomorrow is my Birthday also! :D
Funny that Mothers Day falls on it every few years. Wish I was only gonna be a teen tomorrow, lmao!!
Happy Mothers day to you too Alyssa. At least there's one day to make us stop and appreciate the lil buggers, lol!!! :D
Take care and happy Birthday toy uor boy!

Alyssa Day said...

Happy birthday!! And congrats on the graduation!

Unknown said...

TY Alyssa.
I think I posted twice, ggrrr, lol!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alyssa Day said...

We both need more caffeine. LOL.

Alyssa Day said...

Also, that baby? He's the one who scanned, cropped, and emailed the baby picture to me since Mom can't figure out the new scanner. Sigh. Feeling Way Old. :)

Cate Rowan said...

Awww, he's adorable!

Happy Mother's Day, Happy Birthday to your boy (who sounds like a sweetie as well as a cutie), and good luck with those teenage years. :)

Ducky said...


Cherish everyday with your children. Love them ,and kiss them, and let them know of all the love you possess for them. Take it from someone who wanted to have children so bad and was unable to. Have a very happy and special mother's day. Let them know how you wouldn't trade then for all the fame and fortune you could ever achieved because they are worth more than all of it.Happy Mothers Day to you and all the mother's who blog with you and Happy Birthday to your teenage son. What a joyous gift God gave you!!God Bless you all!!!

Rhonda said...

Ahhhh...he is absolutely adorable. I got the speech, "just wait til you have kids of your own" from my! Boy was she so right, but i wouldn't change a thing. I love both my girl's to death, I am blessed to have them in my life. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Jill said...

That baby grew up to be brilliant, talented and amazing. Good job, mom.

Twimom227 said...

How adorable! I know 2 other folks who have little ones celebrating a bday on Mom's Day. How sweet. My oldest is 6.5 and I'm freaking out about the end of kindergarten - where does the time go?! I can't imagine a teen! Congrats! and Happy Birthday to him!

Mary Kirkland said...

Hope everyone had a happy mother's day. He was such a cute baby! Ya, know time really does fly by, you don't think so at the times when they are driving you nuts...but it really does.

My daughter turned 18 this year and I just can't believe it.

lilia said...

Wow. Happy belated birthday to your baby!
And time does fly! My baby is now 23 and a college grad. sigh. Enjoy him and his teen yrs.
Love your Poseidon series. Lilia