Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The other Atlantis

preparing for launch October 10. I'm going to try to go down and see it.
Here's the story - first time since 2001 there've been two shuttles on launch pads at the same time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Tina Fey's world and the rest of us just live here

Have always loved her and I was thrilled to see her have a glory night last night. (Never forget - First female head writer of SNL!! And since she's gone, it's back to utterly un-funny, but maybe that's just me . . .) And she had the luck to receive one of her Emmys from the lovely David Boreanaz from one of my favorite shows, Bones.

And Christina Hendricks has that Sophia Loren look going on and was utterly glamorous and gorgeous in that green. seriously, I want that dress!! Plus it cemented my desire to be a redhead again.

Did you watch the Emmys? What were your favorite moments and/or gowns? I have to admit the opening was totally awful for me - people who have months to prepare for something and go with the "I have nothing prepared" always annoy me, though. It seems disrespectful to the audience, somehow. I know they were going for funny but it so wasn't.

Rainy here today and a great day to figure out why this chapter isn't working and fix it and move on. Alexios is trying to tell me something - I just don't quite know what, yet. I should get cover art for ATLANTIS UNMASKED soon, so I'll be sure to share.
hugs and happy Monday!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Talk Like a Pirate Day and scary 80s hair

I've been working on Alexios's book, ATLANTIS UNMASKED, and trying to talk him off the ledge (Grace is driving him nuts). These alpha males get flustered easily when their hearts start to become involved . . .

It's TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY so of course I'm driving my kids nuts. (Hey, "nuts" is a theme here). My husband Navy Guy has to do a big inspection at work and I offered him 10 bucks to talk like a pirate while he did it. I'm guessing he didn't . . .

Some friends of mine and I were trading scary '80s hair pictures and this one from high school (those are my baby brothers) made me cringe. The fluffiness, it is scary. OTOH, I'm kind of thinking about going back to this (my actual) hair color? Thoughts? The only downside is that I wouldn't be able to blame my flake-out moments on my blondeness . . .

Have any pirate stories or scary 80s hair you'd like to share?
Alyssa, who promises to start blogging more regularly