It's TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY so of course I'm driving my kids nuts. (Hey, "nuts" is a theme here). My husband Navy Guy has to do a big inspection at work and I offered him 10 bucks to talk like a pirate while he did it. I'm guessing he didn't . . .
Some friends of mine and I were trading scary '80s hair pictures and this one from high school (those are my baby brothers) made me cringe. The fluffiness, it is scary. OTOH, I'm kind of thinking about going back to this (my actual) hair color? Thoughts? The only downside is that I wouldn't be able to blame my flake-out moments on my blondeness . . .

Have any pirate stories or scary 80s hair you'd like to share?
Alyssa, who promises to start blogging more regularly
I like the hair, the color is beautiful. And remember, Blond is not a hair color, it is a state of mind. LOL It is my excuse for my life! And the boyfriend excepts it, and now his grand-daughters are using it now too. he3hehehehehe and they naturally have hair as black as ravens wings. giggle...... They are hispanic. At least my dark blond is fairly close. :) And he has no hair, so he is asking if he can use it too...... I haven't decided yet. :)
And I had a very strick, conseritive mom, and hair that wouldn't take a perm with no natural curl.... so.... no bad 80's hair stories. LOL As far as Pirate stories..... Hmmmm, a lot of them, but was never sober enough to remember them. giggle.
Hey, God made me blond and me and my beautitian paln to keep it that way! How many cans of aqua-net did you go through in a week? I really, really, hate to say this but the '80's hair was my daughters and she hit at least 1 jumbo can a week. I'm a '60's leftover and the long blond hair is back. Hope your health is getting up to par. love, sue
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