Thursday, November 11, 2010

Changes, ch ch ch changes

Sushi happiness at the local market

I have to remind myself that change can be great, sometimes, and open myself up to the possibilities. Right now I'm having a little bit of a stress meltdown from this move.

In other news, it's a glorious sunny day here and the kids just headed off for an adventure on their bikes, which it was too hot all summer long for them to do in Florida, so that's good news.

I'm hoping you're all enjoying your Novembers so far. The 9th was my birthday and Navy Guy went out of town for 3 days so I was feeling a little sorry for myself, but wallowing is over! Optimism is back! LOL. And the end of the book is finally in sight! One of my birthday promises to myself is to remember to chat and reconnect via the blog, at least with tiny snippets. I'm also going to highlight guest authors, because who wants to hear from me all the time? Stay tuned; all good news begins after I turn in this book next week.



Mana said...

But we like hearing from you, especially now since you're on the other side of the world!

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine the stress of being a Navy wife, mother of 2, best-selling author !
Thanks for making posting more a goal. We miss you.
