Friday, February 08, 2008

at least my feet are ALWAYS warm . . .

You'd never guess I have a big old house for them to run around in . . .


Jessie said...

Hey, at least they're not peeing on your bed, like ours did to mama. Mama's sick, so Wrinkles isn't getting the proper amount of attention and she's not happy about it. Shame on Mama getting bronchitis. They look all snugged up and loving it, though. Such cute little Puggies.

Alyssa Day said...

Oh, I hope your mom feels better soon! And bad Wrinkles, no biscuit. LOL

Jessie said...

I hope she does, too. But I can't feel too bad since I have to her. Oops. Hey, it's not my fault the plague's swinging into action. *grins*

And I figure at 12, the no biscuit trick won't work. She knows she has our number. Just like she knows we feel guilty when we have to give her insulin, too.

Anonymous said...

Alyssa - They are adorable! And they just be around someone they love. LOL

Jessie - I hope you mom is better soon and Wrinkles behaves!


P.S. I left a very excited entry about Brennan. **sigh** You have made me a very happy woman!

Jessie said...

Thank you, Stacy.I hope she does, too. Since I'm not completely well, and I need some help in doing everything. Right now, she's inhaling her treats, if we're not gonna take the time to actually pamper and adore her the way she thinks we should be. *grins*

Anonymous said...

I love this picture! Thoses 'Kids' must love Mom or they would not keep you that warm or huddle around you rather than be off getting into things.