Or, not. :) Actually I survived camping amazingly well - no bears, no mosquito bites, and only two different spiders in the shower. Busch Gardens for Science Boy's birthday was fun, too - perfect weather and we got drenched on the Escape from Pompeii ride when the day turned a little hot.
This is a day for beginnings and endings - I'm beginning the actual boxing up phase of packing, which is always interesting. "I own THAT? Really?" I mean, hasn't it been a loooong time (if ever) that purple velvet miniskirts were in style?? Sigh.
And endings - one very sad one in particular. Today is my last post at the group blog Literary Chicks that I've been part of for three years. We are all going in so many different directions - new beginnings, if you will - that we decided the time had come to move on. But it was hard to say goodbye and it made me cry a little. I hope all my lovely, wonderful readers there follow me over here and keep up with my news and share theirs, too.
Oh, and just for fun: That's us camping in Williamsburg!! (Yes, I really look like that without makeup. It's sad. LOL.)
What a great picture. Love it. No bits and only two spiders, bad.
Should I tell you about the "size" of the spiders we've run across here? We had one that I had named that would make a web in a tree near our car. Think larger than an American quarter and I'm told that is small. Shudders.
I'm sorry to hear about Literary Chicks. Does this mean you'll be blogging here more?
Yes!! I promise to blog more. Really. Seriously. Especially when I'm in cranky mode about the move. :) Then you won't want to hear from me. And the huge Aussie spiders scare me to death!!
Hey, misery loves company and I'm sure we'd love to hear the move hassles.
And - great picture!
Fabulous picture! You are all so cute!
You are a better person than me - no tent sleeping for this chicky - no way, no how, uh uh, nope, never! LOL While I'm not afraid of spiders, I prefer them crawling on something other than me!
I too am sorry to see Literary Chicks end; one of the few blogs I read on a daily basis. But hey, if it mean we get more blogging here, so be it.
AnneM-NJ (soon to be AnneM SC)
"I do not read a book; I hold a conversation with the author." -- Elbert Hubbard,
Fabulous picture! You are all so cute!
You are a much better person than me Alyssa. There is NO way you will ever find me sleeping in a tent - no way, no how, uh uh, never, ever, ever! Get the idea? :-D
While I'm not afraid of spiders, I much prefer them crawling on something other than my body!
I too was sorry to see Literary Chicks end. It was one of the very few blogs that I read on a daily basis. However, if it means we get to see you blogging more here, so be it!
AnneM-NJ (soon to be AnneM-SC)
"I do not read a book; I hold a conversation with the author." -- Elbert Hubbard
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