Sunday, November 18, 2007
If you're in the mood for nonstop ego stroking, check out this horoscope site. LOL. It doesn't mention the downside of my Scorpio-isms, like the fly-off-the-handle anger, inability to remain calm and Zen for more than 30 minutes at a time, seriously addictive personality . . . did I mention the always-empty bowl of peanut M&Ms on my desk?? Although it does say "The Addict" - hmm. Cue Twilight Zone music. And who wouldn't mind being called extremely adorable?? lololol.

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Very cool. For some reason it is not letting me paste mine in here but it was cool. Apparently, I'm a MOST AMAZING KISSER (yay, me!), Love is one of a kind, Most caring person you will ever meet, Honest, and Spontaneous. It also said I was a Freak. I do ten to freak out at times so I'm not offended. LOL
Also, did one of the blog entries disappear? I swear there was one where you said you were taking the kids to Mr. Magoriums Magic Emporium...I took my daughter yesterday. And yes, we both cried!
I wasn't that impressed with the movie. As a writer, there were some holes that didn't work for me. For instance, the poor kid. Why couldn't he at least begin to make a single kid friend by the end of the movie. Just to have him gain the nerve to walk up to some child and say "hi" would have been a triumph. Also, why didn't Mahoney get to finish her concerto? I know the suggestion was there that she would, but instead of realizing her own dream, she became hijacked by Magorium's dream. I dunno, guess I'm too critical (and the store magic was very cool!) but I wasn't a fan.
LOL. Alyssa, you are right, of course. I also had a problem with Magorium deciding it was time to go just because he was on his last pair of shoes. I also thought there would be more of a developement of the relationship between Henry and Mahoney. But I guess that is because I'm a romantic! And yes, the little boy did make me sad.
We are planning to see Enchanted this weekend. What about you guys? We also haven't seen The Bee Movie but my daughter really wants to see Enchanted when it comes out on Wednesday. We have T'day and my brother's wedding on Thursday, T'day at the in-laws on Friday and then we start decorating for Christmas. So I don't think we'll get to see the Bee Movie...sorry for the long details of my holiday plans!
oh, yes, of course Enchanted - i think i'm signed up to take a dozen of my daughter's "closest" friends. LOL. Stacy, we need to live closer - I can tell we would be hanging out!!
LOL. Without a doubt! Plus the girls could keep each other entertained. My daughter is driving me nuts today and I'm trying to work! GRRRR....LOL
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